“The Mauritian night sky is like nothing I have ever experienced before, the lower amount of light pollution brings a new level of clarity, allowing us to see corners of the galaxy with naked eye we have never seen before.
Below you will find a some info about astronomy in Mauritius, however I am by no means an expert! I have tried to give guidance in summary of the astronomy scene on the island to the best of my knowledge and research."


Farther the bright illuminating street lights and glow from island homes, the beautiful white sand beaches of Mauritius transform form one paradise to another as the sun goes down.
The very little light pollution surrounding the beaches makes them the perfect spot for star gazing. The beach that will forever be my favourite star gazing spot has to be Le Morne.
This secluded beach is far from any settlements and the mountains acts as a block to stop any light disrupting the sky. I have never seen anything like it, the sky looked packed with stars and the clarity allowed new colours of purple and blue to be visible making the sky look more like a photograph.
Having said this most beach in the South and West of the island offer excellent star gazing spots such as Tamarin Bay, Flic en Flac, La Prarie, La Preneurse, Riambel Beach, and Gris Gris Beach.

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Mauritus only has two season, summer (November - April) and winter (May-October). In the summer months the sun sets around the 19:00PM and rises at 05:00AM and in the winter sets at 18:00PM and rises at 06:00AM..
If you are an amateur star gazer and aren't too bothered about specific sights I would advise checking the weather as a clear sky is very important and waiting around a while after the sun has set as the afterglow will affect the clarity of the sky.
If you are not too tiered I think a good time would be anywhere between 20:30-23:00. Obviously you can stay as late as you want but some of us need out beauty sleep!
You can also plan your timing with what you would like to see. If you are a competent astrologer and are familiar with the night skies I can recommend a website called The Sky Live. It gives very detailed information of what you will see, what time you will see it and if any special equipment is needed to see it.
The website is very up to date and easy to follow, check out the link below:


Most of the night skies wonders are visible only at certain periods of the year, as there is a long list and I am by no means an expert I will link the best astronomy tools below.
Having said this there are a number of constellation which can bee seen all year round in Mauritius as they never drop below the horizon. These are called circumpolar constellations.
Some circumpolar constellations to name:
As mentioned previous for a much more detailed idea of what can be seen in Mauritius at this moment in time check out The Sky Live. Other excellent resources include the Field of View (FOV) Calculator, this allows competent astrologers to test different telescopes and cameras, The Star Chart, showing you the stars in your specific location and the Cloud Forecast allowing you to see how clear the sky will be.


Mauritius is home to a truly unique star gazing experience, The Bubble Lodge. These eco-friendly bubble rooms offer a spectacular view of the night sky from the comfort of your bed.
There are two locations to chose from, Ile Aux Cerf for a beachy island vibe or Bois Cheri for natural jungle scenery. Friends of ours have stayed at the Ile Aux Cerf Lodge and said it was truly magical. Although if you can't sleep without drawing the curtains you might think twice before booking this stay.
The Lodges where designed by a French designer names Pierre Stephane Dumas.
During your stay at the lodge there will always be an astronomer on hand to guide you through the night skies and inform you about what you are looking up at.

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