“For me eating healthy is a challenge but in Mauritius there is a never ending supply of fresh, organic fruit and vegetables which definitely helps! These fruits are packed with fibre, vitamins and minerals which are key to a healthy and happy life, not to mention delicious.
Below you will see a selection of fruits I have bought locally and am happy to recommend to you. These are of-course to my own taste and I am not guaranteeing you the same response for yourself. Nevertheless, I cannot recommend what I haven't tried."


Lychee season is one of my favourite times of the year in Mauritius. Lychee fruit is sweet, juicy and delicious. The fruit is a translucent/white flesh which protects a hard dark stone in the middle. The flesh is protected by a peel-able pink, bumpy shell. They grow on trees all over the island and are ripe when you can give them a little squeeze.
The Lychee season starts at the end of October and ends at the beginning of February. During this time the island goes Lychee crazy! You will find them everywhere from the super market, street side, beaches, and some are even sold directly from peoples gardens. The first indication that Lychee season is coming are the huge white nets which cover the trees to protect the fruit from the 'Mauritian Flying Fox' (Fruit bats).
If you enjoy Lychees, a slightly different activity to do is visit the Takamaka Lychee Wine Distillery situated in Mare aux Vacoas. The Distillery offers a tour and brief history, of course followed by wine tasting. I will leave the link to their website below.
When buying Lychees vendors all over the island usually price their fruit similarly but if the vendors think you are holiday they might bump up the prices so be sure to negotiate a good price and mention that you live here!

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I stumbles across this very un-apple looking type fruit in the London-way supermarket and on closer inspection found it is actually referred to as a sugar apple. Friends have described it to be before and said it has a very recognisable taste similar to custard! I couldn't believe this so had to try one.
I can confirm it really does taste like custard and it is also referred to as the 'custard apple'. The fleshy part of the fruit is soft sweet and creamy while the outside is rough and bumpy.
Before they are ripe they are green/yellow and as they become more ripe they turn pink/purple. At this point you can gently pull them apart.
Watch out for the seeds they are quite large and hard to miss but I don't advise eating them.
I believe they are available at most supermarkets most the year so look out for them!


Another very foreign looking apple with a tropical twist. The Jamalac is also known as the Love Apple in English and Zamalac in Creole.
Although the shape is slightly more bell shaped than an apple, the outside of the fruit is similar to that of a shiny red apple, but once you cut it open it is very different in side.
The fruit is more similar to watermelon. I bet you didn't expect that, I didn't either! It is a very juicy and refreshing.
The locals do all sorts with it including salads and frying it. These fruits can be found at local markets.


Like most tropical island the beach setting wouldn't be complete with the beautiful swaying coconut trees in the ocean breeze. In Mauritius coconuts are available all year round and can be bought at supermarkets, street stalls, markets and beaches.
My favourite way to eat a coconut is to buy one from a beach vendor. They will cut it for you and give you a straw to drink the refreshing sweet coconut water. Once you are done take it back to the vendor and they will cut it open so you can eat the delicious flesh.
Other ways coconuts are used in Mauritius are in sweet and savoury recipes. The cream is used in curries and Indian dishes and when dried is used in cakes and biscuits.
The coconut husks and leaves are very useful to the locals as well offering materials to create fertiliser for plants, bags, hats, mats, brooms and many more house hold objects and accessories.

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Bananas are another fruit that grow in abundance in Mauritius. The two main types are the 'Dwarf Cavendish' and the 'Red Banana'. Bananas are constantly growing and consequently don't have a specific season like lychees, they are available all year round.
In Mauritius bananas have many uses not only limited to a quick on the go snack. There are many recipes and local delicacies which feature the banana.
Some which spring to mind are the banana flambe, where the bananas are cooked with brown sugar, liqueur and vanilla. The famous banana chips, which are similar to usual chip but made form bananas, these are delicious. And small bakeries also serves banana tarts, bread and cakes which are made using unique Mauritius recipes.
Not much of the Banana tree goes to waste in Mauritius as the locals following Indian culture use the leaves as plates and eat their curry straight off a leaf. I love this idea, it certainly saves on washing up!


The tropical climate of Mauritius welcomes the Mango tree and can explain their abundance all over Mauritus. The season for mangos usually falls in November but you will find fresh, local mangos from October through to the new year.
In Mauritius due to the Indian cultural influences mangos are often pickled, dried, or grated and added to a combination of spices and chillies to accompany curry dishes. The creole people have also become accustomed to eating raw mango with lemon and chilli, I havn't tried this yet but it certainly sounds different!
Mangos are also often blended with ice to created fruity refreshing mango juice. This can be done as home but is a popular drink which you can order at restaurants and bars on a seasonal basis.
The best place to find mango is during their harvesting season in November at street side vendors but as mention previously be sure to haggle a good bargain.

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