“Surrounded by the great blue depths of the Indian Ocean, Mauritius and its waters are home to some extraordinary big game fish. Many a fisherman dream of the moment they land a Blue Marlin or Sail Fish. Well Mauritius could be the place to make your dreams come true.
Here, to the best of my knowledge, will give you what you need to know about fishing in Mauritius. If you don't find what you are looking for you can always contact me by clicking on one of the inquiry form buttons throughout this site".


Mauritius offers a variety of different fishing trips at different prices and times of day. These depend on what you are looking to catch, your experience and how long you want to go for. The most popular are:
Tight lines
Bonito rides
Dorado rides
Catch and release
Bottom Fishing
Stand up / Light tackle Fishing
Big Game 1/2 Day
Big Game full Day
Other types of fishing done by the locals and by anglers living on the island are:
Kayak Fishing
Net Fishing
Shore Fishing

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The peak times for fishing in Mauritius are in the summer months, which are between November and April. Having said this Mauritius is a year round fishing destination and you will still catch fish between May and October, the time you decide to go may just influence what you catch. So if you have specific catches in mind you should look to book during the months these are more likely to be caught.
As for the time of day, you can go at any time and there are trips from the early hours till late. However the most successful times are at dawn or dusk. Trips are leaving as early as 4:00AM and as late as 17:00PM
The worst time to go fishing in Mauritius is after a full moon. The large game fish us the extra light to help them hunt and spend the whole night feeding therefore they do not take any bait in the coming days after. To be safe I would wait a few days to allow the fish to get their appetite back up.
As for the best spots for big game fishing on the island:
North Coast
South-West Coast
West Coast
The great debate for the best fishing spot in Mauritius has still not been decided but from local friends I have heard many say the West and South-West are best!
However if you are looking for something slightly different to big game fishing, look no further than the East Coast. Here you can find Red Snapper, Giant Trevallies and Barracudas .


During the summer months of November to April you can expect to catch some of these large game fish:
Blue Marlin - a much sought after catch in Mauritius, these cobalt monsters can weigh up to 689kgs!
Dog Tooth Tuna - Usually found near the reefs and weigh anywhere between 20-100kgs
Sail Fish - Famous for reaching speeds of 60kph and being the fastest creature of the deep
Spear Fish - known for it's aggressive behaviour, can be found most of the year and weighs up to 70kgs
Bull Shark - Also an aggressive species but in Mauritius there has never been an attack so don't worry!
Wahoo - A very fast predator fish weighing up to 50kgs and reaching 50kph

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During the winter months of May to October you can expect to catch some of these large game fish:
Black Marlin - very close relative to the Blue Marlin same size and weight but with no blue stripes,
Skip Jack Tuna - This is the famous canned tuna in abundance in Mauritius but they still put up a fight!
Hammer Head Shark - Characterised but its unique head shape the record in Mauritus was 313kgs!
Dorado/Mahi Mahi/Dolphin Fish - A beautifully coloured fish weighing up to 30kgs
Yellowfin Tuna - A large, strong fish characterised by it's yellow fin! Weighs up to 180kgs!

Other information to be noted:
No licence is needed if you have booked to go on a charted fishing boat. The boat with have a licence and this will cover you.
No licence is needed to go fishing on the shores of Mauritius. My only advise is to wait for low tide and ideally to wear sea shoes as there are sea urchins! If you are keen to try shore fishing you will need to bring your own rods and walk out in low tide.
One final word of warning when deep sea fishing, be prepared for sea sickness. Everyone I know who has been of deep sea fishing trips here has always had one person in their group who suffered from sea sickness. This can ruin the whole trip, sea sickness tablet are available from the pharmacy.
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